Life is a story. Make yours unforgettable!

Write your memoir with ChatMemoir.

It's as easy as having a conversation.

ChatMemoir's patented technology makes it easy for you to answer questions about your life and automatically creates your memoir.
You can also collect memoirs from your family to create a rich library of family history.
Lets celebrate

Create your memoir

Answer questions about your life using the app, web site or by calling the interview phone line. We use your responses to automatically create your memoir.

Share your memoir

Share your memoir with friends and family

Choose family members already using ChatMemoir or invite new ones. Pay to share your memoir with them.

Collect family memoirs

Collect memoirs from friends and family

Request memoir from family members already using ChatMemoir or invite new ones.


What are people saying

Here are all the areas of your life we will cover in your memoir


Download ChatMemoir TM and start connecting with your family.

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